BMG Symposium – part 2

BMG Symposium – part 2

Praktische informatie




09:00 - 09:45



In a 45-minute presentation, two speakers will inspire you with a number of membrane-related projects.
This symposium is free of charge.



  • 9u00 – 9u05: Welcome and introdution (Matthias Mertens – BMG/
  • 9u05 – 9u25: EASiCHEM (Anita Buekenhoudt – VITO) + Q&A
    • Nowadays, many chemical companies are confronted with very challenging liquid separations, aiming at separating molecules with very similar physical properties. The current trend towards more bio-based and/or highly-tailored chemicals, will only increase the number of these demanding separations. These challenges would benefit from efficient affinity-based separations. The most traditional affinity-separation technology is liquid-liquid extraction, where the extracting solvent acts as the separation agent. In a running SBO project EASiCHEM, it is shown that the use of (functionalised) membranes can boost the extraction process, adding selectivity directed by solute-membrane affinity, and minimizing solvent use. Results will be shown for different industrially relevant separation cases.
  • 9u25 – 9u45: Nanomexico (Ivo Vankelecom – MTG/KU Leuven) + Q&A
    • Nanofiltration Membranes for EXtreme Industrial COnditions. This project aims for the development of polymer-based membranes for ​aqueous nanofiltration (NF) and for ​solvent resistant NF (SRNF)​. This will be tested in extreme pH values and in any kind of solvent and irrespective solute.





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BMG Symposium – part 2
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